Mix Reality by Max wins 2 golden Lovie Awards

Mix Reality by Max wins 2 golden Lovie Awards

Anna Janknegt
Anna Janknegt 12 Oct 2018 - 2 Min read

YES! We’ve won a golden Lovie for Best Narrative Experience in VR with Mixed Reality by Max: Dutch Grand Prix. The Lovie Awards is the most prestigious, and the only, truly pan-European awards honoring online excellence. You’ll understand that we’re thrilled about winning a gold award!

Mixed Reality by Max

Mixed Reality by Max is a video series of nine episodes that we’ve created together with Max Verstappen and its partner Exact. The concept is designed around the use of an innovative technique called Mixed Reality, which blends the real world and Virtual Reality to create a new reality. This combination gave Max and the viewer a real-life experience from Max his point of view while driving on a Formula 1 track.

Dutch Grand Prix

To make it even more special, we decided to create a brand new in-game Formula 1 Grand Prix in The Netherlands. The custom Formula 1 circuit for the Exact Dutch Grand Prix was created from scratch using the actual surroundings of the Exact Headquarters in Delft and was revealed in episode eight and nine of the Mixed Reality by Max series.

After designing The Exact Dutch Grand Prix circuit in Virtual Reality, it was presented as a surprise challenge for Max to drive for the first time in front of a live audience of over 5.600 people at the Exact Live event.

Employees of Exact had driven the track at their main office the week before and Max had to beat the fastest lap recorded by the employees. Off course, he succeeded in this.

The Technology

The Mixed Reality concept has been applied in a series of nine episodes. This technology was applied by combining a green screen recording with computer graphics recorded with the Oculus Rift. Because a GoPro had been mounted on the helmet of Max, that films his hands and the steering wheel, a perfect match move was created; a link between the virtual and the real world.

Get the Mixed Reality by Max experience

We could use so many words to explain the project, but you'll get the real experience by watching the video series. We've compiled all 9 episodes on www.mixedrealitybymax.com